Monday, June 7, 2010

A Craft a Day

Hi! Welcome to my lil ol blog. I've been following blogs for awhile now and wondered what in the world I could write about and gone back and forth between a dozen ideas. I've spent the last couple of weeks reading way too many blogs about kid crafts trying to find fun ideas for us to do this summer and realize while the world does not need another craft's getting one! This is mostly for posterity's sake. You see, my little girl does not just color pages. She C.R.E.A.T.E.S. things. Masterpieces, actually (hey, I'm the mama, I can say that!). Seriously, though, this girl amazes me with her imagination, and I wanted a place to record--and share--it. In an attempt to keep the tv off and summer boredom away, my goal is to do a craft a day this summer. We started today...and ended up with three crafts! Some of these will be ideas from blogs and others will be from Ladybug's own pure genius. Hope they bring a smile to your face!

Craft #1--Flower Power
Ladybug cut the flower out and decided it needed to be decorated, so we pulled out our tissue strips and went to town.

Then she needed to decorate the inside and add a stem.

Craft #2: Kite
Ladybug has been all about making kites this spring. This was all her doing, except I helped her cut the diamond when she asked me to. Now if only we could get it to fly!
Craft #3: Will be finished tomorrow. Here's a sneak peek:

1 comment:

  1. Ooooh! I got to click the "Be the First" button!! Yay!
